Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Pioneer

 Man was ever a pioneer,
a wanderer, a pilgrim.
Stuck in the jungle with implements of stone
he looked outwards and started on a journey.

To pioneer the bounderies of consciousness,
expanding them into the nothingness of non-being.
To explore the newly habited areas of being
and pit the forces of being
against the resistance of nothing.
To domesticate and make habitable the new tracts of mind,
and cultivate them with thought.
To organize and govern the newly-realised with reason.
To transform nothing into something.
To redeem the something with values,
and thus enlighten it and call it good,
the resistant darkness evil.

The law of something was love.
For the elements of something to hold together
they had to support each other.
To fail to do this or destroy
 would return the something to nothing.
The darkness of nothing was evil,
the antithesis of being which is emptiness.
Emptiness at times encroached
into what had been redeemed,
and colonised the mind of man
to turn him back from love and good to nothing.
Only the will of a man could make him embrace nothingness,
or turn him again to good.
The choice of a man was between what was,
and what was not.

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