We came out on to a flat surface
and entered a building close by. It was vast inside. The roof was so high I
couldn’t see it. It was lost in darkness. The whole building was vast. J said
it was a cathedral and invited me to come to the altar. This was an area of
bright golden light, and the altar was like translucent golden pillars,
reminiscent of the white cold icicle mountains we had passed earlier. J looked at it
and quoted to me, “If there be a heaven on earth it is this, it is this, it is
this.” (From a carved inscription on an arch in the Red Fort.) J invited us to
worship and we lay face down in the chancel with our arms spread out in the
shape of a cross. Then we stood up and J said, “This is the Church. When you
pray in any church, beyond it and through it is this. You are praying before
this." He said that the mystical dimension has not disappeared in the modern
Church. It is always there. And if the clergy at the moment concentrate more on good works at least people looking at them know God cares. Then hopefully they will look through and beyond to the glory.
then rose up through the golden pillars of the altar to more and vaster areas
of gold, and beyond these, as it were shining towers, we came to a vast golden
sun-like area which J said was infinite and for-ever, the Godhead. We knelt and
gazed. "A Spiritual Diary"
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