Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Enter now his courts........

 Before I had even started my meditation I had been seeing waves of green and blue luminosity crossing a cosmic sky, like the arora borealis. During the meditation we saw pearly-white luminosity like mother-of pearl weaving around above us where normally I see mountain scenery. Something like a bird took us up, but I couldn’t see its’ shape. We were engulfed in whiteness, but like possibly feathers and the sense of being carried up and then along.
We came to an abrupt halt, as of crashing into something. It was a closed door and there was a key-hole. J asked me, “What is the key?” I said, “Faith.” That was correct and the door opened. We entered a spacious boulevard-type of avenue lit up and decorated with coloured lights. J said, “Halls of gladness.” Then we came to a tall sort of mountain reaching to a pinnacle. J said, “Spires of reason.” We rose up to the top and found it to be decorated with coloured lights. J said, “Lights of reason,” and gave us each one to place in our heads. We then looked across the landscape and J said, “Joy.” We floated in this atmosphere and came upon a golden decorated throne. J said, “Throne of grace.” I asked, “The throne of God the Father?” and J said, “Yes. But we don’t place on it an image of the Father do we?” I said, “No.” We placed on it our intercessions.
"A Spiritual Diary"

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