Saturday, March 2, 2013

There's none so blind as those who won't see........

If we close our eyes we are in darkness. If we open our eyes we are obliged to see. If what we see is not acceptable we tell ourselves stories about it to make it palatable. We create a myth and henceforth that's what we see.
(Though a myth can also be a vehicle useful in conveying a very large concept!)
If we choose to keep our eyes firmly closed we never see the reality. We make our way through life on the basis of what we think is true, or hope is true. The result is we constantly fall into ditches or take wrong directions.
One reality is that the human spirit issues from the eternal Spirit.
Another is that negative feedback about ourselves has to be considered seriously in case it is sign we should be taking a different direction.
Or if the feedback really seems to be false, well much if what goes on in the world is based on fundamental error. We have to judge intelligently.
It is important that we see other people clearly and recognise the ways in which they reveal the actuality of the eternal Spirit.
Not to do so is a dangerous insult against the great Reality.

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