Thursday, April 4, 2013


To arrive at the Real, point downwards towards the central point.The point is sub-atomic in size. It is also invisible, but we have its' location so we dive towards it. The way is that of unknowing because the destination is unknown. We press on in faith. not in anything but in nothing. (See St. John of the Cross) We may not know what we will find there but we know it is our root. We are on a journey of discovery of our self, to discover who we are, and to discover where we are going. The point has no dimensions. From that point there is no retreat. The only way forward is via the routes which lead from the point of the soul by reason of its' own nature. Thus we travel on a journey of discovery. The terrain is the terrain of our own soul. We see for the first time what nature of landscape this is, or spiritscape. There may be several routes but each leads from the soul's centre. Each is true to one's self. We are free to choose which to take but the routes diverge. The choice is crucial. We can't wander without purpose. That leads to disorientation of the psyche. We left the world of commerce and have forgotten how it works. The life we have discovered from the centre is by its' nature a journey. To think we can sit down and go no further is an illusion. To sit down is to be lost. To find the road again involves returning to the centre. Then possibly one may take one of the alternative branches from the centre. The centre is the fine point of the soul. Its' root.

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