Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Wedding Song

The river, dark, and brown, and deep,
flowed slow and heavy down the creek.
Beyond rose Holly Berry hill,
and on its’ peak the tower.

And then I saw a small green boat
emerge from out the hanging trees,
and at its’ oars a young girl sat
too still to row a boat.

As she neared I saw her hand,
and in its’ grasp a red-stained cloth,
her face was white as porcelain,
her cloak as black as silt.

Then with alarm I saw her slip
deep down inside the boat.
As just ahead the rapids plunged
I leapt into the brook,

and as we rushed towards the brink
I grasped the maid and pulled her out,
then dragged her back towards the shore
and laid her on the bank.

She began to wail and cry,
"Oh leave me Sir to do my will.
I have a mind to join them both
in payment for my sin."

"What ails you Mistress that you weep
and beg so young to leave this life?"
"My love lies dead in yonder tower,
my father sick with grief.

My suitor came with merry step
to meet my father old and frail,
to ask him for permission free
to marry me next June.

My brother leapt in mighty rage
and slew him with a shaft.
I flew at him and struck him down
 – the brother whom I loved.

So now they’re dead because of me,
and I must die for them."
"And this napkin? Whose is this?"
"’Tis from my loved one’s hand."

"But Maid wherefore your brother’s ire?
Why kill a suitor bold and fair?
How doth your father old and frail
left now without an heir?"

"John said he was a lying cheat
whom all the girls adored.
He loved me true, I know he did,
and would have been my lord.

John said he loved my face and wealth
and not my inner soul.
My father lies a-bed and weak,
and now I must be gone."

"Sweet maid how can I leave you here?
You’re wet and cold and need a fire.
Come to my house and I will send
a message to your Sire."

I took her to my humble cot
and did not tell her next of kin.
She milks my cows, and cooks my meals.
Next June I’ll have an heir.

So hey tra-la, tra-la-la-la-la-la,
one day I’ll climb yon mountain lane,
and claim my rightful place as lord
of tower and domain.

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