Sunday, July 7, 2013

When the will is too weak for action....

          For a long time we entered the regions of border-land where the souls of those who have died reside, that is the ones who have not passed through to Heaven. In what sense I was there I have no idea. It was a mode of communication to perform a healing. We took with us light in one form or another to light up the passage-ways and corners where these souls hide from the light. For a long time we used to take up individuals and carry them to the door, as it were, into Heaven. They had gone beyond any ability to do this for themselves, or even to choose to.  Someone would be there to receive them. Sometimes this was an exhausting job as the person was weak and inert and very heavy. I would get a sense of the person though, whoever it was. One might argue that they should do according to their free will, but these were so-to-speak stretcher cases for whom free will no longer had any meaning. I was always under instruction from J.
         From "A Spiritual Diary"

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