Monday, May 13, 2013

Description of Jesus

Description of Jesus written to the Roman Senate at the time of Christ by Publius Lentulus, then Roman Proconsul in Judaea, a predecessor and friend of Pontius Pilate.

"This is a man of noble and well-proportioned stature, with a face full of kindness and firmness, so that the beholders both love him and fear him. His hair is the colour of wine" (probably tawny) "and golden at the root – straight and without lustre – but from the level of the ears curling and glossy, and divided down the centre after the fashion of the Nazarenes.

His forehead is even and smooth. His face without blemish and enhanced by a tempered bloom; his countenance ingenuous and kind; his beard is full, of the same colour as his hair, and forked in form; his eyes blue and extremely brilliant.

In reproof and rebuke he is formidable; in exhortation and teaching gentle and amiable of tongue. None have seen him to laugh, but many, on the contrary, to weep. His person is tall; his hands beautiful and straight. In speaking he is deliberate and grave and little given to loquacity; in beauty surpassing most men."


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